Saturday, June 12, 2010

Dead Swiss have a paternity test

Geneva - 72 years of uncertainty - they have for the Geneva Andreas Jäggi an end soon. He brought a corpse to the paternity test, as the Swiss newspaper "20 minutes" reports.
For ten years fighting against all kinds Jäggi courts for his rights. He wants to know if he is indeed the son of his alleged father (died 1976). And three years after the European Court ascribes to him that right, he can finally hope for answers.
The Decision: The body of the suspected Papas is exhumed - for a paternity test.
The lawyer of the 72-year-old confirmed: "There is an absolute right to know his background." Also Jäggi, who grew up with foster parents, is relieved: "70 years I could never say the word" Daddy ". But now it will not be possible for the dead take their secret to the grave."

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Man injured wife with an ax and fled

Bochum - bad family drama in Bochum-Höntrop. On Thursday morning there was a dispute between a couple. The 36-year-old attacked his wife with an ax, it hurt to life. An emergency surgery saved the 30-year-old's life.
The ax-Schwinger was able to escape, fled to common with the son (2) Holland. On the A40, he caused two traffic accidents, which was fortunately no one injured.
At the German border with Holland, the federal police would stop the 36-year-olds. But the racing more simple. In pursuit of a police vehicle was involved in an accident.
First, the search for the fugitives remained unsuccessful. On Thursday evening, the offender then asked the police of Bochum.
The uninjured infant was transferred to Bochum's youth, arrested the 36-year-old provisional.
The background to the murder and the escape are wrong so far unclear.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Incorrect exam provided - students have to repeat Abi

Dusseldorf - Oh oh, there must be jumping the Direx to prom but at least a barrel of beer: The ongoing esan central school has a school in Lüdinghausen (Coesfeld) a Pannegegeben.
 At a school exam in social sciences for the tasks amDonnerstag mistakenly eineandere examination have been downloaded from the Internet. This was confirmed by a spokesman of the Ministry of Education in Düsseldorf.
The error was made by the school. Students may now test nachschreiben.
On Tuesday, the central school in NRW was started. 76 000 students are participating.
   After the disastrous breakdown in the previous year now monitored a panel of experts diePrüfung. The mission commissions have developed for a total of some 1,150 80Fächer tasks. Many teachers and experts in 2008 said that his was not the math problems for students to solve. DieMathematik-final exam could therefore also been rewritten werden.Auch in subjects such as biology and geography reports of faulty tasks.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


This is what: the young businesswoman Kate Powell is successful with both feet in life. Only one wish remained unfulfilled until now: a baby. An anonymous donor is for them not in question. So is Kate on an ad to find a suitable father. Alex Turner seems the perfect candidate ...
So it is: For the first time a woman is the focus of a Beckett novel. That this approach is new for Beckett, and you find "Wife" but did not. Beckett draws his characters again very sharp and has a great story here about longings and fears spun with a shocking conclusion.
About the book
Rowohlt, 400 pages (softcover), € 9.95, ISBN: 978-3499249167
(By Jessica Backhaus)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Now tap and how Marc clear a barbecue

Cologne - Thousands are in this season while the BuLi-Cup, the free tip of EXPRESS.DE game. And then of course there are already the first winner! Marc Soest (21) from funds for example.
The Apprentice achieved on 2 Match the highest score and may now look like the equipment for a great Grillfete!
The drinks: beer kegs Köstritzer, to Punicaund Schwip Schwap. On the grill come from iglo Steaklets delicious, Chicken Wings, natural fillets with marinade and sweet chili marinade in Gemüßespieße and herb marinade. To refine Thomy mustard mayonnaise and the popular. Pickles from the jar and great sauces from Sqeez bottle of Kühne. At the end perhaps a coffee or an ice cream? No problem: Tchibo donated "Espresso Milan Art" and "Caffè Crema Mild enjoyment" of Langnese you get into ice-pack with the most popular varieties.
The quantity of the specialties we focus on your guests number. Schalke fan Marc Soeste of this season for the first time when typing BuLi Cup, has already created a guest list: "I can invite all your friends. I am looking forward to it. "
It is worthwhile to join in the BuLi Cup. For the best Tipper's every matchday prices! And the overall winner of the 2009/2010 season can look forward to a great cruise worth over € 7000>.
Incidentally, even on 3 Matchday we cut back a barbecue out. Participation is free. So get in, mittippen: / bulicup>
Also of Interest
Barbecue parties for daily winners and Tipp teams!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Terrorists bought bombs in FBI Agent

They wanted to put New York in fear and terror.
Four suspected terrorists wanted to shoot down military aircraft and hunt Jewish institutions in the air. The plans were completed. The horror was to return to New York ...
But the city, on on 11 September 2001 the world full of fear, horror and pity, looked after terrorists steered airplanes into the World Trade Center and killed over 3,000 people came away with the terror. For from the beginning of the terrorist cell was under surveillance by the FBI. The Federal Police had supplied the men even the "bombs" - previously rendered harmless explosive.
For months, James Cromitie, whose parents lived in Afghanistan before his birth, planned jointly David Williams, Williams and Laguerre Payen onta the deeds. Three of the men had converted to Islam, apparently American, one (Payen) is from Haiti. All are 20 to 30 years young.
Cromitie should have stated: "The best goal of the World Trade Center, is already taken. We are now looking for others. "In preparing the terror-quartet had clamped a helper, from which they had heard that he hates the policies of the U.S. and have good links with arms dealers. What they did not suspect: the man was an FBI Agent!
For a year the group was therefore under constant observation. Thus did the FBI was informed that the men shoot down fighter jets with missiles in the vicinity of a military airport with cars full of explosives and blow up a synagogue in the Bronx and a Jewish community center. ordered the weapons and plastic explosives, they calculated at the FBI agents.
The missiles had been delivered and arranged for Wednesday the surrender of the explosive. When the material was to be delivered, grabbed the case. "There was no danger," the police commissioner of New York, Raymond Kelly. "The stuff was completely harmless. That expert had provided, "
The New York congressman Peter King said the alleged terrorists had still want to perpetrate the attacks in the early hours of Thursday. There are "home-made terrorists." Now they sit in prison
On Thursday was charged in federal indictment for conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction and conspiracy to acquire and use anti-aircraft missiles. Every now threatens life sentence
Also of Interest
Relapse to Guantanamo

Friday, May 7, 2010

Bitter! Germany in the relegation round

Bern - embarrassing for Germany's bankrupt Eiskhockey team. At the world championships in Switzerland against the French, there was a 1:2 defeat. Embarrassing!
The German team has now in the relegation round. With the 1:2 (1:2, 0:0,0:0) against outsiders France, the losing team at the DEB Dienstagauch the third group match and thereby missed the second round.
Small consolation: As host of the next World Cup is the German team was not time to dismount. Therefore, three meaningless games waiting gegenunattraktive opponents. First counterparty oderDänemark Norway on Friday, Saturday or Österreichund a match against Latvia on Saturday following the World Cup farewell against upwardly Hungary.
NHL professional Jochen Hecht (5.) resembled by return with his first Turniertorzwar the residue by Anthoine Lussier (4.) from, LucTardif (17.) but the French took the lead again with his hit undsicherte early first league.
Coach Uwe Krupp had his lines after the storm 0:5 gegenTitelverteidiger Russia and the 2:3 against Switzerland kräftigdurcheinander spin. Three of the four formations stellteKrupp new together. "We have prevailed on the offensive yet INSUFFICIENT. Therefore, the change", reasonable derBundestrainer its measure.
The former defender was in the first third schlimmePatzer especially in defense. After failure of NHL pro Lussier Christopher Schubertschob the puck through the legs of goalkeeper DimitriPätzold.
After the rapid compensation of pike, which allowed in Überzahleinen shot by Michael Bakos worth abfälschte, sichFrank Hördler back one misfit. At the end poked by Tardif, and the puck slid in slow motion over the goal line. Schonzuvor had been prevented with good Pätzold parades further conceded.
The German team had a hard gegendie French. Even in majority Krupp was oftkraftlos and cumbersome acting proteges a hardly anything.
Some German fans among the 9956 spectators were already imzweiten thirds impatient. Before the last third diedeutschen players were greeted with a chorus of whistles, but it was passable cheers.
Christoph Ullmann was outnumbered in the erstegute chance in the final section, however, awarded compensation (50.). One year after his fan scolding at the World Cup in Canada fell auchBundestrainer Krupp in the final third in the criticism when deutscheZuschauer shouted: "Uwe, this is your last game." Philip Gogullatraf just before the end also the post (59.).

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Since music was in.

Dusseldorf - because of lost property are worthless. What could lower Thursday at the Düsseldorf main station hammer everything came to have forgotten what passengers on trains, was quite impressive. The range extended from the briefcase to the tent, from the suit until the pliers.
"You would not believe what people are lying for things in the orbit. A colleague in Berlin, has recently told me of a brand new washing machine. "A washing machine could auction director John Sczygiol on Thursday did not bring the man, but a microwave oven, cell phones, beauty creams, football jerseys, or a brand-new Bobby Car.
The trains and stations in the lost items are stored in Wuppertal Fundbürozentrale a month: "Where then is not an owner, the things on sale yet," says Sczygiol.
The lucky new owners include Vedat Demirel: triumphantly he stretches his 120-euro-guitar in the air. Demirel has every reason to celebrate: His auctioned "rock guitar" the luxury brand like Fender is good and worth ten times.
Also Angelika Ferrier is happy about her newly acquired black "wonder box", inside which some more expensive beauty creams sleep.
Here is offered, what it's worth. Throughout his hands fly into the air to be unsheathed bills and towed the craziest things.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Financial crisis is forcing BMW and Mercedes in the knees

Berlin - The economic crisis calls for further sacrifices: When Daimler and BMW to react with more force to break the slump in auto demand. Porsche employs approximately 100 employees of the Development Department at the door.
An early year-end for the BMW employees in Munich, the BMW's main plant stopped on Friday to work for this year. What happens after the five-week production break? Uncertain. A company spokesman did not rule out further job cuts short-time yet.
If Mercedes does not look any better. Tens of thousands of workers must adjust to longer breaks, reports the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Affected are all works of the Stuttgart-based car manufacturer.
Not quite as drastic as the effect at Opel in Eisenach. There is distinguished from an agreement on shorter working hours, "Wirkönnen by collective agreement to reduce working hours from 38 to 33 hours," said factory manager Leo Wiels "Wirtschaftswoche" and added: "We'll talk with the workers."
Porsche parts with approximately 100 employees, the 4,000-strong R & D department, the magazine "Auto Motor und Sport". The paper have received a termination letter einerPersonaldienstleistungsfirma. This hot, inter alia, that the decision "reflects the current general trend in the German labor market - especially in the automotive industry -".
The figure of 100 redundancies, a Porsche spokesman did not want to confirm on request. Confirmed he had, however, that nichtverlängert the end of fixed-term contracts are expiring.
BMW's chief financial officer Frederick Eichiner demanded government help for ailing automotive suppliers to step in: "In such a difficult crisis situation, the state," said Eichiner the news magazine "Focus".
More about: GM Opel Mitter bankrupt before Christmas? Worst crisis car BMW makes close> U.S. carmakers bettelnum 25 billion>

Monday, April 19, 2010

Baskets soon go on donations Hunt

Bonn - not just athletic play Baskets a central role in the region, including the social commitment to show Bonn's profile: You play it's for free in favor of the Deutsche Multiple Sclerosis Society.
At the moment it is quiet around the runner-up from Bonn. Players and coaches to recover from the playoffs. The preparation for the new season's first release in early September.
Then tournaments in Bayreuth, Rhondorf and Meschede are on the program. A tournament, however, has special significance: the Hansi Witsch-raiser tournament of 2 until October 4 in Niederzissen.
There is not just about athletic competition with the Giants from Dusseldorf, the polar bears from Bremerhaven, the Phantoms from Brunswick, the Brose Baskets in Bamberg and Artland Dragons - but also about fundraising.
"Without the baskets, this tournament is not conceivable. I can not thank enough the Bonners who play for free, and the fans give me the hall with 700 people already half full, "says organizer Hansi Witsch enthusiastic. And after the great season and the vice-championship, perhaps more to come.
This year's recipients of the donations (Witsch expected 10,000 €) is the DMSG (German Multiple Sclerosis Society). The former player and popular figure in the baskets, Branko Klepac, who himself fell ill in 2006 with MS support, of course after the tournament staff. "The Branko enjoys so much appreciation of the wants to even entertain any time," says Witsch. Who and what do the baskets would do good: Tickets for 4 to 6 € per game and all other details are given below to.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The transfer of the Bundesliga

Cologne - The summer break is indeed is commonly referred to as "football-" time, but actually she is not. For daily news from the transfer market to keep the fans in suspense. Who's coming? Who's going? You have any change in sight, EXPRESS.DE provides an overview of all transfers before this year's Bundesliga season.
Nearly 150 million euros, the 18 first division side have been spent on new players (as at 22 July '09). Already, this is the amount that was paid throughout the transfer period the previous year. The record figure of 171 million euros from the 2007/2008 season is within reach - from the economic crisis in the Bundesliga no trace.
Of course, the last change to the start will be constantly updated. So please check back here for you to stay up to date with EXPRESS.DE.
The supply and graduates of the 18 Bundesliga: click here>

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Two days of golf on the road pilfered

Bonn - Unbelievable: Kevin (real name) is only 14 - two days long, and probably drove around in a stolen VW Golf.
As he has now stopped, he gave the police a student card instead of driving to his nose.
Bad Godesberg, 15 clock. On the road the police Schwertberger the silver Golf was obvious, because the license plate had been tampered with. From a "C" in black paint was an "O" was painted! "During the review, the officials noted that the car on 17 August with the original keys were stolen in Borken, "said police spokesman Christian Gräßler.
Kevin has the Gulf (in the Münsterland Gescher Kreis Borken itself) stolen from a driveway. "He is regarded as suspects in the robbery," said the local police spokesman Frank treasurer.
Kevin is originally from Gescher, has as yet known. The police assume that he drove the car around 145 kilometers to Bonn. It now awaits a criminal because of the suspicion of theft, forgery and driving without a license.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Already 50 proceedings against bad taxi drivers

Dusseldorf - How can it be that Dusseldorf taxi drivers do not speak the German language, let alone know because the main streets of the city? The question repeatedly horrified passengers.
It is now clear: There are dozens of taxi drivers with obviously phony bills on the road, the taxi Guild meets in the struggle for good service again and again to such "black sheep". Magdalena Rüsseler, head of the "Taxi Düsseldorf eG", said: "It is not easy to know God to get a taxi certificate. Who does not know our language, has no chance to get through the exam. "The future drivers will be trained by the Guild and tested on its premises by the national association.
"The test consists of three parts: a written test, cartography, when the driver found on the basis of a map with no street spots in the city needs, and finally an oral examination explained," proboscis. "Anyone who can not speak German, falls through automatically."
Like the "black sheep go" but at the coveted ticket - apparently by "taxi Dusseldorf? "It seems to clearly indicate sources," said trunk. "We do not know if the taxi coupons are fake, or otherwise as these people go to them. Anyway, we have already launched in some 50 criminal cases, because we could demonstrate that the relevant driver had done no testing with us. In one case, there was already a conviction and fine of 300 euros. "
"These people make us break our good name!", Outraged the guild boss. She wants the fight against the "false taxi driver" more support from the city: "The traffic bureau shall issue audit licenses, even if the person speaks a word of German."
My fellow board member Dennis Klusmeier added: "Even people who have no work permit for Germany to get this permission from the Office - there is programmed in trouble."
Also of interest
We hunt down black sheep

Friday, March 26, 2010

Race like new kingdom

Gland / Kerpen, Germany - At the 60-acre estate, Schumacher had built their buildings in a Mediterranean style, he has achieved everything that he could only dream about as a boy in Kerpen. For proud 35 million euros!
But his roots in the Rhineland, the Formula-1-retiree forgotten, despite his center of life in Switzerland do not. In Kerpen, he is now building, together with two friends, a headquarters for his new kart team. "I've lost my love for kart racing in all the years never, so I also have great fun with this team," says Schumacher.
The Schumi-Veedel in the middle of Switzerland! Welcome to the 10 500-inhabitant village of England on the north shore of Lake Geneva. Here, tucked away from prying eyes, created a huge property in a conservation area for family games and sports.
"It makes so much fun to build, a house, although it is also very stressful," says Michael. "We look forward to the collection."
EXPRESS explains the new dream home of Michael Schumacher. Simply click through!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Alberto suffers bout of weakness

Bremen - Werder Bremen must soon declare a state of emergency: With Carlos Alberto, the next Star reported injured. The Brazilian record store had suffered an attack of weakness in a pub.
The 22-year-old was immediately taken to hospital and examined. The results were obviously ringing the alarm bells: "Initial investigations revealed abnormal laboratory values, whose importance in a comprehensive inpatient examination must be resolved," said CEO Klaus Allofs.
Apparently, the 7.8-million-€-man erstmal remain in the hospital, an operation against Nuremberg on Sunday Cup is excluded. When he returns to training, is in the stars.
Therefore reported to the 24th Pro since the beginning of the preparation injured. "Something like this, I have never seen," said Allofs before this season. In Torsten Frings, Tim Borowski and Patrick Owomoyela three stars fall out for weeks.
There are also the duration of the injured Aaron Hunt and after his kidney transplant in order to connect struggling Ivan Klasnic.
Now, the goals for the season already threatened at the very beginning to float down the river Weser: After the 0:4-one home defeat against Bayern in the title race is already five points behind the Munich in the Champions League we have before the return leg in Zagreb only a skinny 2 :1-edge. Borowski: "Now we have to prove that we can get through difficult times."

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hitzfeld is afraid to Franck

Munich - You are currently in a class by itself. Three games, three wins, 10:0-gates - Munich celebrates the best season start in club history, and cheered his fun-football player. Even opponents 3-0 at the recent Hannover 96 was not much more than a better sparring partner.
Bavaria's magical force leads every opponent mercilessly before, but now seems to have begun the hunt for the league attraction Franck Ribéry. "I've been a bit worried about Franck," said coach Ottmar Hitzfeld. He even sent an SOS to the referees: "You can only appeal to the referee that they have an eye on it. Every foul that not happened in the battle for the ball, just have to be punished. "
The Hanoverians, who were assigned for a total of 24 fouls by referee Thorsten Kinhöfer (Herne) with a second yellow card for Altin Lala (45.) and five other yellow cards, threw Hitzfeld "brutal fouls, without chance of getting the ball." "That will still increase," Hitzfeld fears for the future.
Lala started his only opponent Ribéry rudely from behind in the legs, then sliced the Albanians also at Ze Roberto - both times half the Bayern bench rushed excitedly to the pitch. "Today it was more than normal," said Mark van Bommel, Bayern Munich man for the rough usually.
Learn More
HSV-Profi Demel occurs again
Saenko moves from the elbow
Bayern general manager Uli Hoeness delivered himself for a fierce battle of words Lalas attacks with 96 coach Dieter Hecking. "I understand if the FC Bayern wants to protect his players. But I do not understand that since four man rush to the line and insist on it, "complained Hecking and even shoved behind a highly redundant phrase:" Everyone has now views its means. "
But that should prevent the arbitrators. For years, the League was no longer such an attraction such as Ribéry, therefore, the kicker must be stopped. Germany coach Joachim Loew had recently been heavily criticized the defense mentality: "Many celebrate themselves when they stop opponents brutally, without coming to the ball."
The insight into the league seems not yet widespread. Hanover Lala felt in any case wrongly thrown from the square. "The Bavarians are very strong, too strong, but plus referee. When Hitzfeld and Hoeness rumbrüllen on the sideline, the referee get scared. "
Referee Kinhöfer had since the appropriate comment at hand: "The Bavarians have the means - and Hanover, just different."

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Murderer played bowling with corpses-head!

Brisbane - In this case, one's blood freezes in my veins. As bloodthirsty, how cold, how brutal people can be?
In the Australian Sandgate beer should have a nice evening ended in a blood orgy. Finally, the murderers were playing bowling with the sawed-off head of their victim.
The "Brisbane Times" describes the case from the year 2005 as follows: James R. (28), Christopher J. (24) and Morgan S. (17) met for a beer. But finally, a violent quarrel broke out. The 28-year-old is pounced on the teenager and have beaten him.
Then he allegedly stabbed with a knife on his victim - 133 times!
Now the man is on trial - and gruesome details come to light. "With the corpse of the victim was proceeding in a barbaric manner," said prosecutor David Meredith in the process. "The head of the deceased was sawed or chopped off. The perpetrators have the body buried separately from his head."
With the head, reports the "Brisbane Times", the accused and his accomplice, R. J. should have even a bowling simulation game.
Witnesses confirmed that R. had admitted the deed.
In court he admitted involvement, but will only aid have done. The verdict is expected late next week.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Biederman failed on seahorses

Munich - At the World Cup was the German swimmers in the surprise Abräumer: Paul Biedermann (22) twice skims gold, swam twice a world record!
But now his girlfriend Juliane chatted in the magazine "Bunte" in a spicy secret: "As a five year old has fallen erdurch the Seepferdchenprüfung, because he not 25 Meterschaffte."
But again you can see again to keep on - is worth ...
Setbacks took their friend today only stronger, lifted out die21-year-old. "He is wonderfully normal, airs and graces are ihmfremd."
Biedermann live "totally down to earth" with his parents in a cottage berichtetsie.
The swimmer and the 21-year-old seitzwei are a couple of years. "I am so happy to cuddle his muscles, always wanted a sporty man," said Juliane. "When Paulstimmt the total package. He's the boy next door - and a echterMann, but not macho."
Biederman also gushed about his girlfriend: "She is nichtnur beautiful, but seelenschön. Even my parents love them." Esmotiviere him totally, if they sit by the pool. "Your kisses are after einemSieg my greatest reward." Now they wanted to search aJOINT apartment, they announced.
At present, Biederman at home nor pay for it. "I give $ 200 each month from board and lodging, plus I pay per month a large shopping," said the 22-year-old image of the sport.
More about the swimming ace: Biedermann - the super-man>
Also of interest
Paul Biedermann at the World Championships in Rome - Pictures

Monday, February 22, 2010

Isabell Werth's horse, "Whisper" tested positive

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Warendorf - New doping scandal in German equestrian. The horse of the five-time Olympic dressage champion Isabell Werth "Whisper" has been tested positive.
With ten years of Werth's gelding is gefundenworden the International Pentecostal tournament in Wiesbaden psychotropic drugs fluphenazine. It said Wednesday the German Equestrian Federation (FN).
On Thursday there will be a hearing by the InternationalenReitverband (FEI). Werth FN wants to request information, the rough-opening test.
Here also read: Reiter's national team completely dissolved> "In the future, also have horses will be banned!">

Thursday, February 18, 2010

SWB Bonn get 25 ultra-modern trains

Bonn - 19 million kilometers put back the 100 trains and 190 buses of the public utilities, 2006 in Bonn. Positive outcome: there was the slightest financial losses for decades, the number of passengers increased.
But it must be rigorously saved. "We have set ourselves the goal of saving five million more by 2013," says Managing Director Jürgen Reining.
This includes but is not to suffer again and again by the passengers Unclaimed quality. The SWB urgently seeking to improve customer service.
The friendliness of the staff will be improved through training. Customers should continue to be informed about changes and punctuality still leave much to be desired. "Delays can have quite different causes. Time, there were technical problems, then human losses caused by accidents or diseases, "said Reining.
 The new passenger service system is to help inform the customers better in the ways that help them and are very old people when traveling to the side. Here are also increasingly used Hartz IV recipients.
The major project of SWB bus and train is a refurbishing of 25 of the 100 orbits. Rebuilding is much cheaper than buying new trains and promise the same quality. "Apart from the chassis there is not much left," said SWB chief Hermann Zemlin.
The end of next year to roll the first high-tech train in Bonn. "The idea of the transformation is new. Apart from Leipzig has done this so no one, "Zemlin suggests.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bonner SC: Attack on the top

Bonn - after the 6-2 against Velbert last Sunday remains the Bonner SC in the NRW-League not have much time to catch. Already on Wednesday Match Number Four is on the program.
And on this fourth matchday of the BSCler want the fastest fourth place-able to leave again - towards the top. The clock at 17.30 Delbrücker SC will host the Jerat force.
Delbruck in East Westphalia is one of the most distant targets this season. Therefore, the Bonn on Wednesday to start already at 12.30 clock. Heading is then in Oelde a stop planned. Lunch, then a short walk - and on we go.
Sporty BSC wants to build there, where he left off on Sunday with a performance worth seeing. "But it is hard enough. Delbruck, I guess so much as Wattenscheid and Schermbeck, "said BSC coach Jerat. "And we had to draw the two difficulty." But that Velbert 6:2 against the team have given more courage.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Leverkusen's green lungs

Night, bat walks and excursions - with such events attracts the Naturgut Ophoven past 25 years, children and parents on the large area Opladen near the station. But the day is worth a trip. How and where insects nest? Where and how to live snakes? These and other employees to answer questions about the nature of the natural heritage Ophoven in Leverkusen.
They already do since 1984: At that time the city of Leverkusen handed parts of the land from the estate to a Ophoven patrons. The transformed it into an environmental education center with nature trail, a children's and youth Museum and the "Energy City". There are experiments and city games - touch and try out explicitly permitted.
Even now in the fall of the natural heritage is a popular destination for families on weekends. During the week, school groups and birthday groups are guests. Every year on the farm more than 10,000 visitors. 80 employees, including civilian service and volunteers to ensure that children do not get bored.
On Sunday, 6 December, ending the anniversary year with the Forest Christmas. Details and dates to events in the coming days there on the Internet at