Friday, May 7, 2010

Bitter! Germany in the relegation round

Bern - embarrassing for Germany's bankrupt Eiskhockey team. At the world championships in Switzerland against the French, there was a 1:2 defeat. Embarrassing!
The German team has now in the relegation round. With the 1:2 (1:2, 0:0,0:0) against outsiders France, the losing team at the DEB Dienstagauch the third group match and thereby missed the second round.
Small consolation: As host of the next World Cup is the German team was not time to dismount. Therefore, three meaningless games waiting gegenunattraktive opponents. First counterparty oderDänemark Norway on Friday, Saturday or Österreichund a match against Latvia on Saturday following the World Cup farewell against upwardly Hungary.
NHL professional Jochen Hecht (5.) resembled by return with his first Turniertorzwar the residue by Anthoine Lussier (4.) from, LucTardif (17.) but the French took the lead again with his hit undsicherte early first league.
Coach Uwe Krupp had his lines after the storm 0:5 gegenTitelverteidiger Russia and the 2:3 against Switzerland kräftigdurcheinander spin. Three of the four formations stellteKrupp new together. "We have prevailed on the offensive yet INSUFFICIENT. Therefore, the change", reasonable derBundestrainer its measure.
The former defender was in the first third schlimmePatzer especially in defense. After failure of NHL pro Lussier Christopher Schubertschob the puck through the legs of goalkeeper DimitriPätzold.
After the rapid compensation of pike, which allowed in Überzahleinen shot by Michael Bakos worth abfälschte, sichFrank Hördler back one misfit. At the end poked by Tardif, and the puck slid in slow motion over the goal line. Schonzuvor had been prevented with good Pätzold parades further conceded.
The German team had a hard gegendie French. Even in majority Krupp was oftkraftlos and cumbersome acting proteges a hardly anything.
Some German fans among the 9956 spectators were already imzweiten thirds impatient. Before the last third diedeutschen players were greeted with a chorus of whistles, but it was passable cheers.
Christoph Ullmann was outnumbered in the erstegute chance in the final section, however, awarded compensation (50.). One year after his fan scolding at the World Cup in Canada fell auchBundestrainer Krupp in the final third in the criticism when deutscheZuschauer shouted: "Uwe, this is your last game." Philip Gogullatraf just before the end also the post (59.).