Thursday, May 13, 2010

Terrorists bought bombs in FBI Agent

They wanted to put New York in fear and terror.
Four suspected terrorists wanted to shoot down military aircraft and hunt Jewish institutions in the air. The plans were completed. The horror was to return to New York ...
But the city, on on 11 September 2001 the world full of fear, horror and pity, looked after terrorists steered airplanes into the World Trade Center and killed over 3,000 people came away with the terror. For from the beginning of the terrorist cell was under surveillance by the FBI. The Federal Police had supplied the men even the "bombs" - previously rendered harmless explosive.
For months, James Cromitie, whose parents lived in Afghanistan before his birth, planned jointly David Williams, Williams and Laguerre Payen onta the deeds. Three of the men had converted to Islam, apparently American, one (Payen) is from Haiti. All are 20 to 30 years young.
Cromitie should have stated: "The best goal of the World Trade Center, is already taken. We are now looking for others. "In preparing the terror-quartet had clamped a helper, from which they had heard that he hates the policies of the U.S. and have good links with arms dealers. What they did not suspect: the man was an FBI Agent!
For a year the group was therefore under constant observation. Thus did the FBI was informed that the men shoot down fighter jets with missiles in the vicinity of a military airport with cars full of explosives and blow up a synagogue in the Bronx and a Jewish community center. ordered the weapons and plastic explosives, they calculated at the FBI agents.
The missiles had been delivered and arranged for Wednesday the surrender of the explosive. When the material was to be delivered, grabbed the case. "There was no danger," the police commissioner of New York, Raymond Kelly. "The stuff was completely harmless. That expert had provided, "
The New York congressman Peter King said the alleged terrorists had still want to perpetrate the attacks in the early hours of Thursday. There are "home-made terrorists." Now they sit in prison
On Thursday was charged in federal indictment for conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction and conspiracy to acquire and use anti-aircraft missiles. Every now threatens life sentence
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