Thursday, February 18, 2010

SWB Bonn get 25 ultra-modern trains

Bonn - 19 million kilometers put back the 100 trains and 190 buses of the public utilities, 2006 in Bonn. Positive outcome: there was the slightest financial losses for decades, the number of passengers increased.
But it must be rigorously saved. "We have set ourselves the goal of saving five million more by 2013," says Managing Director Jürgen Reining.
This includes but is not to suffer again and again by the passengers Unclaimed quality. The SWB urgently seeking to improve customer service.
The friendliness of the staff will be improved through training. Customers should continue to be informed about changes and punctuality still leave much to be desired. "Delays can have quite different causes. Time, there were technical problems, then human losses caused by accidents or diseases, "said Reining.
 The new passenger service system is to help inform the customers better in the ways that help them and are very old people when traveling to the side. Here are also increasingly used Hartz IV recipients.
The major project of SWB bus and train is a refurbishing of 25 of the 100 orbits. Rebuilding is much cheaper than buying new trains and promise the same quality. "Apart from the chassis there is not much left," said SWB chief Hermann Zemlin.
The end of next year to roll the first high-tech train in Bonn. "The idea of the transformation is new. Apart from Leipzig has done this so no one, "Zemlin suggests.