Monday, May 31, 2010

Incorrect exam provided - students have to repeat Abi

Dusseldorf - Oh oh, there must be jumping the Direx to prom but at least a barrel of beer: The ongoing esan central school has a school in Lüdinghausen (Coesfeld) a Pannegegeben.
 At a school exam in social sciences for the tasks amDonnerstag mistakenly eineandere examination have been downloaded from the Internet. This was confirmed by a spokesman of the Ministry of Education in Düsseldorf.
The error was made by the school. Students may now test nachschreiben.
On Tuesday, the central school in NRW was started. 76 000 students are participating.
   After the disastrous breakdown in the previous year now monitored a panel of experts diePrüfung. The mission commissions have developed for a total of some 1,150 80Fächer tasks. Many teachers and experts in 2008 said that his was not the math problems for students to solve. DieMathematik-final exam could therefore also been rewritten werden.Auch in subjects such as biology and geography reports of faulty tasks.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


This is what: the young businesswoman Kate Powell is successful with both feet in life. Only one wish remained unfulfilled until now: a baby. An anonymous donor is for them not in question. So is Kate on an ad to find a suitable father. Alex Turner seems the perfect candidate ...
So it is: For the first time a woman is the focus of a Beckett novel. That this approach is new for Beckett, and you find "Wife" but did not. Beckett draws his characters again very sharp and has a great story here about longings and fears spun with a shocking conclusion.
About the book
Rowohlt, 400 pages (softcover), € 9.95, ISBN: 978-3499249167
(By Jessica Backhaus)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Now tap and how Marc clear a barbecue

Cologne - Thousands are in this season while the BuLi-Cup, the free tip of EXPRESS.DE game. And then of course there are already the first winner! Marc Soest (21) from funds for example.
The Apprentice achieved on 2 Match the highest score and may now look like the equipment for a great Grillfete!
The drinks: beer kegs Köstritzer, to Punicaund Schwip Schwap. On the grill come from iglo Steaklets delicious, Chicken Wings, natural fillets with marinade and sweet chili marinade in Gemüßespieße and herb marinade. To refine Thomy mustard mayonnaise and the popular. Pickles from the jar and great sauces from Sqeez bottle of Kühne. At the end perhaps a coffee or an ice cream? No problem: Tchibo donated "Espresso Milan Art" and "Caffè Crema Mild enjoyment" of Langnese you get into ice-pack with the most popular varieties.
The quantity of the specialties we focus on your guests number. Schalke fan Marc Soeste of this season for the first time when typing BuLi Cup, has already created a guest list: "I can invite all your friends. I am looking forward to it. "
It is worthwhile to join in the BuLi Cup. For the best Tipper's every matchday prices! And the overall winner of the 2009/2010 season can look forward to a great cruise worth over € 7000>.
Incidentally, even on 3 Matchday we cut back a barbecue out. Participation is free. So get in, mittippen: / bulicup>
Also of Interest
Barbecue parties for daily winners and Tipp teams!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Terrorists bought bombs in FBI Agent

They wanted to put New York in fear and terror.
Four suspected terrorists wanted to shoot down military aircraft and hunt Jewish institutions in the air. The plans were completed. The horror was to return to New York ...
But the city, on on 11 September 2001 the world full of fear, horror and pity, looked after terrorists steered airplanes into the World Trade Center and killed over 3,000 people came away with the terror. For from the beginning of the terrorist cell was under surveillance by the FBI. The Federal Police had supplied the men even the "bombs" - previously rendered harmless explosive.
For months, James Cromitie, whose parents lived in Afghanistan before his birth, planned jointly David Williams, Williams and Laguerre Payen onta the deeds. Three of the men had converted to Islam, apparently American, one (Payen) is from Haiti. All are 20 to 30 years young.
Cromitie should have stated: "The best goal of the World Trade Center, is already taken. We are now looking for others. "In preparing the terror-quartet had clamped a helper, from which they had heard that he hates the policies of the U.S. and have good links with arms dealers. What they did not suspect: the man was an FBI Agent!
For a year the group was therefore under constant observation. Thus did the FBI was informed that the men shoot down fighter jets with missiles in the vicinity of a military airport with cars full of explosives and blow up a synagogue in the Bronx and a Jewish community center. ordered the weapons and plastic explosives, they calculated at the FBI agents.
The missiles had been delivered and arranged for Wednesday the surrender of the explosive. When the material was to be delivered, grabbed the case. "There was no danger," the police commissioner of New York, Raymond Kelly. "The stuff was completely harmless. That expert had provided, "
The New York congressman Peter King said the alleged terrorists had still want to perpetrate the attacks in the early hours of Thursday. There are "home-made terrorists." Now they sit in prison
On Thursday was charged in federal indictment for conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction and conspiracy to acquire and use anti-aircraft missiles. Every now threatens life sentence
Also of Interest
Relapse to Guantanamo

Friday, May 7, 2010

Bitter! Germany in the relegation round

Bern - embarrassing for Germany's bankrupt Eiskhockey team. At the world championships in Switzerland against the French, there was a 1:2 defeat. Embarrassing!
The German team has now in the relegation round. With the 1:2 (1:2, 0:0,0:0) against outsiders France, the losing team at the DEB Dienstagauch the third group match and thereby missed the second round.
Small consolation: As host of the next World Cup is the German team was not time to dismount. Therefore, three meaningless games waiting gegenunattraktive opponents. First counterparty oderDänemark Norway on Friday, Saturday or Österreichund a match against Latvia on Saturday following the World Cup farewell against upwardly Hungary.
NHL professional Jochen Hecht (5.) resembled by return with his first Turniertorzwar the residue by Anthoine Lussier (4.) from, LucTardif (17.) but the French took the lead again with his hit undsicherte early first league.
Coach Uwe Krupp had his lines after the storm 0:5 gegenTitelverteidiger Russia and the 2:3 against Switzerland kräftigdurcheinander spin. Three of the four formations stellteKrupp new together. "We have prevailed on the offensive yet INSUFFICIENT. Therefore, the change", reasonable derBundestrainer its measure.
The former defender was in the first third schlimmePatzer especially in defense. After failure of NHL pro Lussier Christopher Schubertschob the puck through the legs of goalkeeper DimitriPätzold.
After the rapid compensation of pike, which allowed in Überzahleinen shot by Michael Bakos worth abfälschte, sichFrank Hördler back one misfit. At the end poked by Tardif, and the puck slid in slow motion over the goal line. Schonzuvor had been prevented with good Pätzold parades further conceded.
The German team had a hard gegendie French. Even in majority Krupp was oftkraftlos and cumbersome acting proteges a hardly anything.
Some German fans among the 9956 spectators were already imzweiten thirds impatient. Before the last third diedeutschen players were greeted with a chorus of whistles, but it was passable cheers.
Christoph Ullmann was outnumbered in the erstegute chance in the final section, however, awarded compensation (50.). One year after his fan scolding at the World Cup in Canada fell auchBundestrainer Krupp in the final third in the criticism when deutscheZuschauer shouted: "Uwe, this is your last game." Philip Gogullatraf just before the end also the post (59.).

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Since music was in.

Dusseldorf - because of lost property are worthless. What could lower Thursday at the Düsseldorf main station hammer everything came to have forgotten what passengers on trains, was quite impressive. The range extended from the briefcase to the tent, from the suit until the pliers.
"You would not believe what people are lying for things in the orbit. A colleague in Berlin, has recently told me of a brand new washing machine. "A washing machine could auction director John Sczygiol on Thursday did not bring the man, but a microwave oven, cell phones, beauty creams, football jerseys, or a brand-new Bobby Car.
The trains and stations in the lost items are stored in Wuppertal Fundbürozentrale a month: "Where then is not an owner, the things on sale yet," says Sczygiol.
The lucky new owners include Vedat Demirel: triumphantly he stretches his 120-euro-guitar in the air. Demirel has every reason to celebrate: His auctioned "rock guitar" the luxury brand like Fender is good and worth ten times.
Also Angelika Ferrier is happy about her newly acquired black "wonder box", inside which some more expensive beauty creams sleep.
Here is offered, what it's worth. Throughout his hands fly into the air to be unsheathed bills and towed the craziest things.