Sunday, April 25, 2010

Financial crisis is forcing BMW and Mercedes in the knees

Berlin - The economic crisis calls for further sacrifices: When Daimler and BMW to react with more force to break the slump in auto demand. Porsche employs approximately 100 employees of the Development Department at the door.
An early year-end for the BMW employees in Munich, the BMW's main plant stopped on Friday to work for this year. What happens after the five-week production break? Uncertain. A company spokesman did not rule out further job cuts short-time yet.
If Mercedes does not look any better. Tens of thousands of workers must adjust to longer breaks, reports the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Affected are all works of the Stuttgart-based car manufacturer.
Not quite as drastic as the effect at Opel in Eisenach. There is distinguished from an agreement on shorter working hours, "Wirkönnen by collective agreement to reduce working hours from 38 to 33 hours," said factory manager Leo Wiels "Wirtschaftswoche" and added: "We'll talk with the workers."
Porsche parts with approximately 100 employees, the 4,000-strong R & D department, the magazine "Auto Motor und Sport". The paper have received a termination letter einerPersonaldienstleistungsfirma. This hot, inter alia, that the decision "reflects the current general trend in the German labor market - especially in the automotive industry -".
The figure of 100 redundancies, a Porsche spokesman did not want to confirm on request. Confirmed he had, however, that nichtverlängert the end of fixed-term contracts are expiring.
BMW's chief financial officer Frederick Eichiner demanded government help for ailing automotive suppliers to step in: "In such a difficult crisis situation, the state," said Eichiner the news magazine "Focus".
More about: GM Opel Mitter bankrupt before Christmas? Worst crisis car BMW makes close> U.S. carmakers bettelnum 25 billion>

Monday, April 19, 2010

Baskets soon go on donations Hunt

Bonn - not just athletic play Baskets a central role in the region, including the social commitment to show Bonn's profile: You play it's for free in favor of the Deutsche Multiple Sclerosis Society.
At the moment it is quiet around the runner-up from Bonn. Players and coaches to recover from the playoffs. The preparation for the new season's first release in early September.
Then tournaments in Bayreuth, Rhondorf and Meschede are on the program. A tournament, however, has special significance: the Hansi Witsch-raiser tournament of 2 until October 4 in Niederzissen.
There is not just about athletic competition with the Giants from Dusseldorf, the polar bears from Bremerhaven, the Phantoms from Brunswick, the Brose Baskets in Bamberg and Artland Dragons - but also about fundraising.
"Without the baskets, this tournament is not conceivable. I can not thank enough the Bonners who play for free, and the fans give me the hall with 700 people already half full, "says organizer Hansi Witsch enthusiastic. And after the great season and the vice-championship, perhaps more to come.
This year's recipients of the donations (Witsch expected 10,000 €) is the DMSG (German Multiple Sclerosis Society). The former player and popular figure in the baskets, Branko Klepac, who himself fell ill in 2006 with MS support, of course after the tournament staff. "The Branko enjoys so much appreciation of the wants to even entertain any time," says Witsch. Who and what do the baskets would do good: Tickets for 4 to 6 € per game and all other details are given below to.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The transfer of the Bundesliga

Cologne - The summer break is indeed is commonly referred to as "football-" time, but actually she is not. For daily news from the transfer market to keep the fans in suspense. Who's coming? Who's going? You have any change in sight, EXPRESS.DE provides an overview of all transfers before this year's Bundesliga season.
Nearly 150 million euros, the 18 first division side have been spent on new players (as at 22 July '09). Already, this is the amount that was paid throughout the transfer period the previous year. The record figure of 171 million euros from the 2007/2008 season is within reach - from the economic crisis in the Bundesliga no trace.
Of course, the last change to the start will be constantly updated. So please check back here for you to stay up to date with EXPRESS.DE.
The supply and graduates of the 18 Bundesliga: click here>

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Two days of golf on the road pilfered

Bonn - Unbelievable: Kevin (real name) is only 14 - two days long, and probably drove around in a stolen VW Golf.
As he has now stopped, he gave the police a student card instead of driving to his nose.
Bad Godesberg, 15 clock. On the road the police Schwertberger the silver Golf was obvious, because the license plate had been tampered with. From a "C" in black paint was an "O" was painted! "During the review, the officials noted that the car on 17 August with the original keys were stolen in Borken, "said police spokesman Christian Gräßler.
Kevin has the Gulf (in the Münsterland Gescher Kreis Borken itself) stolen from a driveway. "He is regarded as suspects in the robbery," said the local police spokesman Frank treasurer.
Kevin is originally from Gescher, has as yet known. The police assume that he drove the car around 145 kilometers to Bonn. It now awaits a criminal because of the suspicion of theft, forgery and driving without a license.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Already 50 proceedings against bad taxi drivers

Dusseldorf - How can it be that Dusseldorf taxi drivers do not speak the German language, let alone know because the main streets of the city? The question repeatedly horrified passengers.
It is now clear: There are dozens of taxi drivers with obviously phony bills on the road, the taxi Guild meets in the struggle for good service again and again to such "black sheep". Magdalena Rüsseler, head of the "Taxi Düsseldorf eG", said: "It is not easy to know God to get a taxi certificate. Who does not know our language, has no chance to get through the exam. "The future drivers will be trained by the Guild and tested on its premises by the national association.
"The test consists of three parts: a written test, cartography, when the driver found on the basis of a map with no street spots in the city needs, and finally an oral examination explained," proboscis. "Anyone who can not speak German, falls through automatically."
Like the "black sheep go" but at the coveted ticket - apparently by "taxi Dusseldorf? "It seems to clearly indicate sources," said trunk. "We do not know if the taxi coupons are fake, or otherwise as these people go to them. Anyway, we have already launched in some 50 criminal cases, because we could demonstrate that the relevant driver had done no testing with us. In one case, there was already a conviction and fine of 300 euros. "
"These people make us break our good name!", Outraged the guild boss. She wants the fight against the "false taxi driver" more support from the city: "The traffic bureau shall issue audit licenses, even if the person speaks a word of German."
My fellow board member Dennis Klusmeier added: "Even people who have no work permit for Germany to get this permission from the Office - there is programmed in trouble."
Also of interest
We hunt down black sheep